Belinda's Nurseries

The Witham Nursery
Our nurseries strive to meet the needs of children with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities. We are supported by the Local Authority to ensure all children, regardless of their specific needs, make the best possible progress within our nurseries. All nurseries are supported to be as inclusive as possible, with the needs of children with a Special Educational Need and/or Disabilities being met in a mainstream setting wherever possible, where families want this to happen.
How do our nurseries know if children need extra help and what should parent/carers do if they think their child may have special educational needs or disabilities?
We treat children as individuals and staff are experienced in observing, assessing and planning next steps for children. Before children start at our nurseries we offer a home visit by the Manager and your child's Key Person. Alongside an "all about my child" form and discussions with the parent information will be shared about the child, giving an ideal opportunity to discuss the child's needs and any concerns a parent may have. If you have concerns about your child you should speak with your child's Key Person or SENCO (Special Educational Needs Officer) who will be able to help you.
How our nurseries support young children with SEND?
Every child has their own Key Person who will work with you and your child. They will make next steps plans for your child, based on your child's interests which they will share with you. If after talking to you we feel additional support is needed, the Key Person and SENCO will work with you, on an individual plan to meet your child's needs and your requirements. With your permission the SENCO will liase with the Area SENCO to gain further advice in supporting you and your child. All progress will be recorded and shared with you.
How our nurseries create learning and development opportunities for individual children with SEND
Every child has a Learning Journey, which will contain observations and photographs of your child. The Key Person will assess and make plans to progress your child's development through their next steps. We observe children to understand their level of achievement, interests and learning styles. We then create learning experiences for each child reflecting those observations. We will share your child's Learning Journal with you.
How our nurseries working in partnership with parents/carers?
At your home visit, the Key Person will ask you information about your child, helping us to understand their interest, like/dislikes and favourite toys. We will invite you to attend regular meetings to discuss your child's progress and celebrate their success. We operate an open door policy. We are always available to spend time with parents to discuss their child's progress and development. We jointly contribute to your child's learning journey.
How our nurseries support the well being of children with SEND
All practitioners are experienced and qualified accessing training on a regular basis. The setting has policies and procedures in place which are reviewed regularly ensuring our environment are suitable and accessible to all. Should your child require prescribed medication than a named member of staff will be responsible for the administering of this and you will be required to sign for this. We promote positive behaviour encouraging co-operative play between all children helping them to understand, value, respect others opinions and ideas and staff are trained to support this. Each nursery has a designated behaviour management officer.Daily risk assessments are carried out by practitioners and the children.We have procedures in place to safeguard children with allergies.
Practitioners training and experience in supporting young children with SEND
Practitioners have attended first aid, safeguarding, English as an additional language, speech, language and communication training. Promoting positive behaviour training, Senco and Enco co-ordinator training. Practitioners continuously update their training. Practitioners have completed training on how to administer epi-jex pens and emergency epilepsy medication. We have experience working with children who have autism, aspergers, epilepsy, food allergies, dispraxia, global delay, communication difficulties, hearing impairment, visual impairment, hyper mobility, skin conditions, developmental delay, select mutism, and sensory needs. The nursery is taking part in the Good Beginings EYs Autism-Friendly setting bronze award.
Specialist services and expertise accessed by the nurseries
Whilst the nurseries do not offer specialist services, we are happy to work alongside the specialists involved with your child and they are welcome to visit your child at the setting. We will then work collaboratively to ensure advice and strategies are implemented. We have experience with working with Area Senco, Health Visitor, Speech and Language therapist, Paediatricians, Educational Psychologists, Specialist Teachers, Occupational therapist, Children Centres, Teacher for the Deaf, Family Support worker, Social workers and local schools.
How our nurseries include children with SEND in community based activities and outings
All children are welcome to attend trips. Prior to the trip the pre-school nurseries will discuss with parents the best way for their child to access the activity and a risk assessment will be undertaken. Additional staff can be included to give enhanced adult support for your child and the child's parent/carer will be invited to attend the trip.
Our accessible environment
Our building and toilets are wheelchair accessible as are our outside areas. We use visual timetables to support routines and communications. We ensure the effectiveness of our SEND provision by collecting information from a range of sources. This information is collated, evaluated and reviewed annually.
How our nurseries prepare and support young children with SEND when joining the nurseries and when transferring to a new setting/school
The nurseries undertake a home visit prior to the child starting. The nurseries are able to offer flexible entry where children can attend for limited times/sessions, with or without their parent as required. Where there is a need parents and children can make several visits prior to starting. The type of entry is dependent on the need of the individual child. When transferring to school the nurseries will initially liase with the school to arrange the best transition for your child. This could include a meeting between the school, pre-school and parents to discuss the best strategies to support transition; several visits to the school by your child; photographs of the school; teacher visits to the nurseries.
How our nurseries organise its resources to meet the needs of young children with SEND
The nurseries are able to apply for funding from Essex County Council to enable them to possibly provide enhanced adult support to work with your child if needed or to purchase resources or to access specific training for practitioners.
How the Nursery decides on appropriate support for young children with SEND
Through observations, working alongside parents and specialist services an evaluation of needs and required resources will be identified. The child's view will be sought throughout this process. A plan will be developed involving you for your child's transition and support needed will be put in place. Once your child has started an Individual plan will be made which you will be involved with, this will be regularly reviewed and monitored.
How the nurseries involve parents
We are always pleased to have parents stay for a session or part of a session to play with the children and actively encourage this by special event weeks e.g fathers, grandparent, mothers and book week. Parent views are sought through the use of new parent and leavers questionnaires.
Who can I contact for further information?
More detailed information is available in our polices, specifically our 'Achieving Positive Behaviour', Diversity and Equality', 'Supporting children with Special Educational Needs and /or Disabilities, working in partnership with outside agencies'. All our polices are available to view at the nurseries
To register your child at the nursery and if you wish to discuss your child prior to starting you need to contact either the Manager- Laura Vazquez or the SENCO Carly Todd
Telephone 01376 517611
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